Stand-up Comedy for Wineries and Breweries

Clean American stand-up comedian Shaun Eli on stage at Goliath Comedy Club in Johannesburg, South Africa
Shaun Eli on stage at the Goliath Comedy Club in Johannesburg, South Africa

Why stand-up comedian Shaun Eli is the perfect comedian for your winery or brewery’s comedy night

  • He’s been a professional comedian since 2003
  • He’s headlined comedy shows on five continents (so far)
  • He’s performed on Amazon and Netflix
  • His comedy is clean and friendly
  • He loves wine, especially red zin, pinot noir, pinot gris, riesling, Rhones and Champagne (I mean, check out the url of this website) and likes beer (especially wheat beer)
  • He does not drink before performing (he is happy to have a drink on stage and take an occasional sip and make a positive comment about the drink) 
  • Yes, he’s very funny (he is the one typing this so what do you think he’s going to say?)
  • You can read many Testimonials, watch Videos, read Tons of jokes he’s written for late-night TV and read Over a dozen newspaper and magazine articles about him, including a major profile in the New York Times.
  • He wrote jokes for the monologues of three late-night talk show hosts for almost 20 years.
  • In a profile in Fortune magazine Jay Leno cited one of Shaun’s jokes as the type of smart comedy he liked to include in his opening monologue.
  • For an evening with more variety in style and viewpoint Shaun can bring comedian colleagues from late-night TV
  • Shaun has developed a way to sell more drinks at comedy shows.
  • And how about this- for his first show at your venue you can pay him partially in wine or beer!

photo of corks and Champagne bottles


Two Champagne flutes 2/3 full of Champagne, with bubbles and a very colorful red and pink background


Call, text or email Shaun Eli and Let’s Get the Fun Started!
Shaun (at) BrainChampagne (dot) com
Call or text (914) it’s-funny (914) 487-3866