Comedy for Senior Citizens & 55+ Communities
From Arizona to Florida, South Africa to New Zealand
Call Clean Stand-up Comedian Shaun Eli
Looking for a Clean Standup Comic experienced at entertaining 55+ audiences? You’ve found him!
I’ve been profiled in The New York Times and I’ve headlined stand-up comedy shows on five continents. On Amazon and Netflix. I’ve been a professional comedian for 20 years and I have 30 years of professional comedy-writing experience. Yet somehow you can still afford me!
I’m ready to answer all your questions and help you
plan the perfect fun afternoon or evening.
I make them laugh, you get all the credit!sm
According to the Social Security Administration I’m not a senior citizen. But I am according to Costco, and I like them better.
Making jokes about my dad. From the Emelin Theatre in NY:
Let a Wharton-educated clean stand-up comedian help guide you and make your comedy event for senior citizens everything you deserve! I do clean comedy shows for corporations, theatres, houses of worship, 55+ communities and even a seniors group with the average age of 83. They told me I was the only speaker they’ve had since they started in the 1950s where nobody fell asleep.
I guess it’s hard to sleep when people all around you are laughing. Fortunately nobody fell out of their chair laughing, something that has happened at other shows I’ve done.
The day after the first time that happened, I incorporated. I don’t have audience-member-falling-out-of-chair-and-getting-injured insurance.
I’m a very experienced performer and I can do up to a two hour show. But you don’t want that. 45-60 minutes is best for stand-up comedy. I regularly perform at theatres and at corporate and charity events. I also do shows at houses of worship- and I certainly don’t want to curse in front of God. And since God is at all my shows…
I’m sure there are plenty of seniors who love raunchy humor (although not my mom) but they’re probably outnumbered by those who don’t. I go with the odds. Plus, even people who love raunchy humor won’t be turned off by great clean comedy. No reason to be dirty if you don’t have to, and I don’t have to.
My act doesn’t include cultural references that people over 55 wouldn’t understand. Because, well, I’m over 55. I perform all over the world and I want my material to be universal.
Here’s what I don’t do- I don’t curse on stage. I don’t make fun of the audience (unless I’m provoked- but even in dealing with the very rare heckler I start off polite).
I also do virtual comedy shows.
Watch clean stand-up comedy videos
Enjoy thousands of the jokes I’ve written for late-night TV
feel free to call or email me with any questions you might have.
Advice is free!
You can also find lots of information on how to hire comedians for any type of comedy show in my printable on-line brochure: How to Hire a Standup Comedian
I’ve also done numerous shows for patients and their families at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Here’s what one audience member said after the show: “You’re wonderful! Bless you for coming! This is the first time in three months I’ve seen my wife smile.”
husband of a cancer patient after a show at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
(the hospital’s strict patient confidentiality policy prohibits even asking for a name)
I’m also an instrument-rated pilot, former lifeguard instructor and former world-class sculler & dragon-boat racer. Impressed?
Don’t be… My brother Scott is a doctor with an MBA who’s married to a psychologist with a law degree; my brother Seth has four Ivy League degrees including a PhD.
Me? I’m funny; I make my parents laugh. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
I get paid to make fun of my parents and brothers. When you’re the youngest child that’s kind of a big deal. It’s like payback for having had to wear hand-me-downs until I went off to college. But it’s not all about my family- I also make jokes about former employers, former girlfriends and the government.
“Here’s my fair and equitable plan to save Social Security: You can retire when you LOOK 65.”
Shaun Eli
To hire Shaun for your group or event, start by asking! Advice is free. Call or text (914) it’s-funny (914) 487-3866 or email Shaun (at) BrainChampagne dot com.